are you a nonprofit?

Yes. We are a licensed 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible and every cent will go back into our organization to help support and spread the movement. 

do you have a political agenda?

No. We are not lobbying for any political action. We do not promote any kind of petitions, rallies, marches, or any other sort of political action. Our goal is to create a place where people of different perspectives can meet and learn from one another. 

are you religiously affiliated?

Nope. We do not affiliate with any religion nor do we preach any religious or theological reasoning; however, if religion is what you want to talk about, we're up for it! 

how can I get involved?

Join the MovementDonate, sign up for our Newsletter, and/or share the message with your friends! If you have other ideas of how you'd like to get involved, write us and we’ll see how we can make it happen!

are the conversations really free?


why are you called “free intelligent conversation”?

Intelligence is a process of acquiring knowledge, not an achievement. An intelligent conversation is one where we gain knowledge from whom we are speaking with. Due to each of our individual life-experiences, everyone has something to share and everyone has something to learn from someone else. It’s free because it cost you nothing, it’s an intelligent conversation because you’re learning from the people.

who funds your organization?

Donors like you! We receive generous donations from people who want to help Free Intelligent Conversation break social barriers. Also, the items sold on our online store goes directly back into the organization to help fund and spread the movement.