2021-12 Newsletter

Hello Conversationalists!

If you celebrated thanksgiving we hope that it was an enjoyable and safe holiday with family and friends. As we move into the month of December it is amazing that we have almost completed the year of 2021! That said, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. Keep reading below to see some of the great events and happenings that FreeIC had in November.

GreenHouse Team Member Connect

On November 19th we hosted another successful internal team member event for our partners at Greenhouse! At the events zenith we had 20 people participating, which is one of our largest turnouts for this group. We are looking forward to continuing to grow our engagement and interested participants from this group. If you would like for FreeIC to host an event for your company or organization, reach out to us with the following link: FreeIC Contact

FreeIC Monthly Virtual Connect

This month’s MVC was a smaller group but still quite enjoyable! It was refreshing to engage and share our perspectives on a variety of topics including what we would do if happiness was the national currency. Looking forward to our next opportunity to connect!

Join The Movement!

If you haven’t already, you should consider joining our movement! We have signs and cards translated into 18 different languages, we provide support for both single, and consistent outings, and we’ve identified ways to host FreeIC events outdoors, virtually, within a school setting, and within a business setting. Click here to learn more and contact us about how you can find your place within the movement!

Donate to FreeIC with AmazonSmile!

The next time you shop Amazon look us up on AmazonSmile! .5% of the proceeds from your purchase will go towards FreeIC so show us support with your next purchase

FreeIC Blog

  • If you haven’t already, be sure to check out some of the stories on our blog

  • We're looking for writers to share their stories! If you would like to write your FreeIC story and have it featured on the blog, please reach out and let us know.


2022-01 Newsletter


2021-11 newsletter