2021-09 newsletter

Hello Conversationalists!

August has been quite a month filled with many interesting happenings in the world. The U.S. somewhat chaotically pulled out of Afghanistan, the DELTA variant of the Covid-19 virus has surged to a dangerous level, we saw the end of the Olympics, and we finally have the release of Kanye West’s new album Donda. As eventful as the world has been, we unfortunately did not have any events this past month due to rescheduling and weather affecting our in person events. Though we have no events to share, we did want to share some information with you for the fall!

Bring FreeIC to Your Campus

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FreeIC has successfully partnered with several colleges and universities to plan events. These have included on campus events such as those put on for Professor Mark Moreno’s NOMAS architecture club, with our cross campus virtual connects between classrooms like Mark Urista’s Communications class at Linn-Benton Community College and Professor Lindsay Hoffman’s Communication course at the University of Delaware, and other initiatives such as our Q&A session with Jonathan Haidt that was hosted for Heterodox academy and BridgeUSA. If you want to learn more about bringing FreeIC to your campus or school group, reach out here

FreeIC Question Challenge

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We love that you are a part of our community! In addition to you reading about our conversations, we want you to join in the fun and have your own! So, for September we challenge you to ask 3 new people the FreeIC question shown above!

FreeIC in Dolores Park on September 12th!

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Due to Covid-19 we have been cautious of planning in person events for the past year; however, with new vaccine practices and the change in public meeting regulations we are happy to announce that we will be returning to Dolores park this Sunday, September 12th! We will be out with signs and question cards from 1pm to 4 pm so come join us!

Next Virtual Connect Will be in October!

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Due to labor day we are postponing the monthly virtual connect that would have been the first Sunday of September. Enjoy the time with your friends and family and be sure to join us in October for the next MVC!

Join The Movement!

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If you haven’t already, you should consider joining our movement! We have signs and cards translated into 18 different languages, we provide support for both single, and consistent outings, and we’ve identified ways to host FreeIC events outdoors, virtually, within a school setting, and within a business setting. Click here to learn more and contact us about how you can find your place within the movement!

Donate to FreeIC with AmazonSmile!

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The next time you shop Amazon look us up on AmazonSmile! .5% of the proceeds from your purchase will go towards FreeIC so show us support with your next purchase

FreeIC Blog

  • If you haven’t already, be sure to check out some of the stories on our blog

  • We're looking for writers to share their stories! If you would like to write your FreeIC story and have it featured on the blog, please reach out and let us know


2021-10 newsletter


2021-08 newsletter